Saturday, 21 November 2020

Lindstrøm & Prins Thomas / III

 Αντιγράφω από το μπαντκαμπ: 

"Lindstrøm and Prins Thomas announce their new album, III, out November 20th on Smalltown Supersound, [...]  III is their first outing together in eleven years, since 2009’s II, and as ever, Lindstrøm and Prins Thomas have crafted their own unique sonic world.

This is expansive, luscious electronic music rich with texture and intricacy, patiently revealing every eccentricity while constantly pulling the listener in. Getting lost never sounded so good."

Εγώ πάλι θα πω κομσί κομσά.


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Ambient Jazz Ensemble / Aura

 Δε φτάνουν Σινεμάτικ Όρκεστρα, αλλά έχουν ενδιαφέρον.


το σέρβιρε ο συνάδελφος


Austra / HiRUDiN REMiXED



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