Saturday, 24 December 2022

Wednesday, 21 December 2022

Madrugada / Strange Colour Blue (Vesterålen Project)

 Μου θύμισε τα νιάτα μου, το θυμάται κι ο Σίβερτ 

"Θυμάμαι τη πρώτη μας εμφάνιση στο Ρόδον το 2000. Είχαμε μόλις ολοκληρώσει τη περιοδεία του Industrial Silence. Ήταν κάπως αστείο το ότι σε άλλες χώρες, όπως στη Γερμανία οι συναυλίες δεν ήταν sold out στην αρχή, αλλά το Ρόδον ήταν γεμάτο από τη πρώτη βραδιά. Το ίδιο έγινε και στη Θεσσαλονίκη. Έτσι, ήταν σαν να ξεκινάμε στην Ελλάδα δύο επίπεδα πάνω, οπότε είπαμε πως κάτι συμβαίνει εδώ".


Tuesday, 20 December 2022

Chris Liebing / Another Day + Another Night

 Άλλη μια κυκλοφορία με ριμίξια, αυτό ακούγεται


τσέκαρε και την πηγή που έχει ενδιαφέρον


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Friday, 16 December 2022

Brother Culture / 40 Years Anniversary Collection


Brother Culture has been one of the leading figures in the UK reggae scene for the past 40 years. This anniversary collection is a look back at his career, from the roots of UK sound system culture, to the bass music scene and his collaboration with The Prodigy. Brother Culture is a symbol of the UK music scene, and this album is a testament to his musical journey. From Roots Reggae to Bass Music, this collection is not only Brother Culture's musical journey, but also a testament to the evolution of the UK Reggae music scene. 





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Wednesday, 14 December 2022

Kendal / Come To Me

 Και κάτι σε ίταλο για τα πάρτι σου


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Tuesday, 13 December 2022

Alan Strani / Apocalypso

 Born in the Alps in a small house spreading between the Italian and Swiss border, Alan Strani is a transdisciplinary artist exploring music and visual arts. For his new album, he invited artists Saeko Killy, Dasho Utochka (Love Object) and French singer Tessa Martin to join him in his attempt to musically make sense of the current Zeitgeist while questioning our relation to the digital world. The result is the album carried by its homonym single Apocalypso, a wordplay suggesting that, in the face of a possible emerging Apocalypse, like Ulysse during his Odyssey, the entire world is being distracted by the charms of the Calypso nymph.

Υπερβολές, αλλά αυτό μου άρεσε


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Monday, 5 December 2022

Engelwood / Nautical Nonsense


Επιτέλους ποιοτική μουσική.

Επιτέλους ένα άλμπουμ που αξίζει μόνο το τελευταίο κομμάτι.


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τσέκαρε και το αυθεντικό δημιούργημα σκέτο ή με εικόνα


Saturday, 3 December 2022

Fujiya & Miyagi / Slight Variations

 Κι αυτό έχει τις στιγμές του.





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Plaid / Feorm Falorx

 Plaid‘s 11th album is one of the long-running duo’s most conceptually driven releases. The premise is that the act performed a set at the Feorm Festival on a distant planet called Falorx, and they were converted into light in order to survive the planet’s atmosphere. They returned to Earth and re-created their set, and Feorm Falorx is the result.






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Friday, 2 December 2022

Cayetano / A Million Faces

 Έχει ενδιαφέρον, έχει ποικιλία, έχει μέχρι και νταμπ.

From the spirit of the Parisian street cafes to Hong Kong’s underground clubs and from Berlin’s improvised parties to London’s smokey pubs, Giorgos Bratanis, best known by the stage name Cayetano is a modern storyteller to everyday life.



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Meute / Taumel

 Στο ίδιο κόνσεπτ, αλλά βελτιώνονται.






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Leftfield / This Is What We Do

 Ο Neil Barnes συνεχίζει το πρότζεκτ στην τρίτη του δεκαετία.



Εδώ φωνάζει ο τύπος από τους Fontaines D.C. 



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Thursday, 1 December 2022

Warhaus / Ha Ha Heartbreak

 Έχω κολλήσει ανεπανόρθωτα. Έπος κομμάτι με επικό κλιπ.

 Χωρίσανε ο Maarten και η Sylvie, συνεχίζει μόνος του και απαντάει έτσι:


How I used to touch and touch your beauty  

Now you’re a song from an open window to me  

Girl, it’s in the future we belong 

 I know it’s in the future we belong  

And I’m not saying that I can’t live without you 

 But I’m a long way from figuring out how to  

Girl, it’s in the future we belong 

 I know it’s in the future we  

And different storms on different kinds of waters  

While you ran into the arms of others 

 Babe, it’s in the future we belong  

I know it's in the future we belong  

How you’re projecting the moviе in which you star in  

Aaah people bore mе but you’re something different darling  

Now all that I can think of now you’re gone  

Babe, it’s in the future we belong 

 For now 

 Until I move on






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Mollono.Bass / Together

 Προτιμάω τα ριμίξ του, αλλά κι αυτό θα σε κουνήσει.


 The third Mollono.Bass Album is dedicated to what we need most. We as inhabitants of the same planet, we as members of a free society, and we as a culture. We have to stick together more than ever, rather than drifting further and further apart. At the same time, Together brings together everything Mollono.Bass stands for since more than 20 years: Ritualist Afro-influences and acid loops, the sensual physicality of House, the laid-back boost of Dub Techno, analogue depth and digital highs, hope transcribed into groove and utopia set into rhythmic motion. It’s the dynamic novelty and pioneering spirit of the arrangements that reflect the unmistakable signature style of this producer. True to the traditional idea of an album, complete with previously unreleased tracks and special versions, Together is a highly immersive listening experience from start to end and works beautifully on the dancefloor and far beyond it.

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UNKLE / Rōnin II


 The follow-up to Rōnin, released in 2021, the mixtape is a collaboration with producer, singer and multi-instrumentalist Miink, with whom James has worked since 2015. 




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ODESZA / Light Of Day (feat. Ólafur Arnalds)



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Metronomy / Small World (Special Edition)

 Μέτριο άλμπουμ + Sébastien Tellier = καλτ




έχει κι άλλα:




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Orbital / 30 Something



Αυτό και διάφορα άλλα ενδιαφέροντα.



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